Email Personalization Statistics 2017


While surfing the web I’ve put together some articles on email personalization statistics. Feel free to check each of them:

  • Personalized emails increase click-through rates by an average of 14%. They also increase conversion rate by 10%. – Aberdeen
  • Personalized emails might deliver up to 6x higher transaction rates. – Experian
  • 74% of marketers say targeted personalization increases customer engagement. – eConsultancy
  • Only 39% of online retailers send personalized product recommendations via email. – Certona
  • Emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened.  –  Campaign Monitor
  • Segmented email campaigns have an open rate that is 14.32% higher than non-segmented campaigns. (Mailchimp)
  • 53% of marketers say ongoing, personalized communication with existing customers results in moderate to significant revenue impact. – DemandGen
  • Segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue. – DMA
  • 75% of enterprises will be investing in personalized messaging in 2015. –VentureBeat
  • Ecommerce customers who received multiple abandoned shopping cart emails are 2.4 times more likely to complete the purchase than those who receive only one follow up email. (Experian, 2016)
  • Email recipients who favor mobile-aware email marketing designs rose from 15% in 2015 to 27% in 2016. (Litmus, 2016)
  • Personalized promotional mailings have 29% higher unique open rates and 41% higher unique click rates than non-personalized mailings. (Invesp 2016)
  • Marketers have noted a 760% increase in revenue from segmented campaigns. – Campaign Monitor
  • Marketers see an average increase of 20% in sales when using personalized web experiences. – Monetate
  • 50% of companies feel they can increase interaction within email by increasing personalization. – Experian
  • Personalized promotional emails had 29% higher unique open rates and 41% more unique click-through rates in 2013. – Experian
  • Click Rate is 3.5 higher for transactional emails compared to segmented newsletters (Vibetrace 2017)
  • Triggered emails drive 624 percent higher conversion responses for the same number of sends as compared to “batch and blast” emails. This is driven by a 381 percent higher click rate, and an 180 percent higher post-click conversion rate. (VentureBeat, 2016)

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