Online Media
Marketing costs in media and publishing could exceed revenues by using only marketing specialists. Profits will go up by using marketing automation and attracting new content consumers

Improve online metrics
Increase subscribers number
Content sites, niched blogs, online magazines live on the number of visitors (and their interests in the content). People are consuming content (which is usually free) and pay for it through ads, affiliate or other monetization strategies. Using our tools you can grow subscribers: emails, push subscribers, or social media followers.

Decrease bounce-rate
Leave intention is high when visit goal was reached. The hotest content pieces can keep interest at a high level and they only need to be displayed at the right moment.
Support content discovery
A read article can lead to the next one. The same with videos and so on. Encourage reading/viewing and offer easily and actionable alternatives to keep them engaged.

Optimize content distribution
You sell content for time. Each person has a limited time for your content, and you need to reach more people to grow. Encourage link distribution and allow people to promote you on any medium that can bring you new customers.
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