Google URL builder

Create your UTM tracking params using our UTM builder.
Use our examples or read more about Google URL campaign builder to track campaigns correctly.

This tool is part of Marketing Tools

Add tracking params with UTM builder

Enter one or more URL’s to add UTM tracking to each of them

Use our predefined UTM tracking params for various use cases.

UTM campaign. Required. Name of the campaign: e.g. weekly_promo, autumn_sales, black_friday

UTM source. Usually referrer like: facebook, newsletter, affiliate

UTM medium. Marketing medium used for the click: banner, link, email, push, cpc, ad

UTM content. Use it to identify banners or ad zones or A/B testing versions.

UTM term. Identify paid keywords or different text links words.

Generated links with UTM tracking params:

Copy and share the generated links below on mediums you are using to bring traffic to your website.

Remember! Do not use links with UTM params on your own website. You lose important traffic sources.

What is Google URL builder

We’ve tested them against the most common email clients with success. Including Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and IOS/Android. If you see any issues displaying the content in your email client, contact us.

How does Google UTM builder works?

Any link with UTM tracking params added is recognized by any tracking solutions like: Google Analytics, Yandex Analytics, Bing, MARA cloud and use this information to detect sources for the visitor who clicked it.

How should I use Google UTM builder?

Use our tool on the left side to add UTM tracking params to your link. If you have multiple links, just enter all of them, one per line and we will do the job for you.

Why are campaign utm params important?

Having your external links with UTM tracking params allow your analytics software to better assign traffic to specific campaigns you spend money on. That’s how you can see if your marketing budget is well spent or the traffic you are bringing converts well. Otherwise it’s hard to identify what click bring you a conversion.

What are campaign URL builder examples?

We’re a marketing company so we use this UTM params on a daily basis. This way we’ve built the best utm tracking params for various cases and we share those with you to give some examples.

Example of a link to our website:

Example of a link to our website:
  • Campaign Name: promo
  • Content: right_side
  • Source: facebook
  • Medium: cpc
  • Term: v2

Example URL’s with UTM params

Pay attention to character case. Analytics solutions are case sensitive, so utm_source=google is different from utm_source=Google.

Read more about Google Custom Campaigns

Google has a URL builder

Facebook has a URL builder

What are UTM params?

UTM campaignThe name of the campaign, like spring_sale, black_friday. It’s the only one required.UTM sourceUTM source tells the source that is sending the visit to your website. It can be: radio, offline, facebook, newsletter, affiliate. In many cases, is the tool or service you used to create the medium.UTM mediumUTM medium is used for tracking the advertising medium like email, banner, ppc, articleUTM contentUTM content is used to differentiate between multiple banners of the same campaign or multiple zones of the same banner, or A/B testing versionsUTM termUTM term was initially used to track keywords from a search, texts in a link

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